Outreach Programs
Gatorbotics outreach is our commitment to fostering lasting connections with our community and inspiring young women to pursue STEM.
Castilleja Middle School Mentorship
In past years, members of the high school Gatorbotics team have mentored and coached participants in Castilleja's Middle School FLL robotics team. Even though our school no longer has a Middle School FLL team, Gatorbotics members continue to mentor younger students participating in our new Castilleja Middle School robotics program twice a week.
Halford Young Women Leaders' Program
Halford Young Women Leaders is a program where under-resourced 4th and 5th-grade girls are paired with 10th-12th grade members of the Casti Halford ACE Org. Gatorbotics members have created a custom curriculum tailored to the Halford Young Women Leadership Program. Gatorbotics members teach the girls robotics every other meeting by leading catapult, motor, circuit, etc. lessons.
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